Hope For All Charity Organization, is a non-profit organization based in Windhoek, Namibia that targets vulnerable and and orphaned children by providing food and nutrition through soup kitchens. These soup kitchen serve an important function to give children and women that recently gave birth
The Hope For All Charity Organization was started in 2006 as a passion project by Christian individuals that believe in helping their fellow neighbours, especially those in dire need. The main caregiver, Auntie Helena has sacrificed a lot to look after the children and vulnerible youths that have been served by this organization.
Furthermore, Hope For All Charity Organization also aims to uplift underprivileged children by establishing and running multi-purpose centers such as kindergartens and pre-primary schools which would cement a strong educational foundation.
Although the children is of the highest priority, as it is in the name "Hope For All", the organization also seeks to improve the living standards of vulnerable people throughout Windhoek's informal settlement communities. This is to be achieved though creating self-sustaining projects and small businesses and creating hope.
The youth will also be trained in developing essential life skills curtesy of workshops and vocational training that will make them into well-equipped citizens that contribute well back to society.